Effective as of September 1, 2023

The present General Conditions of Use (hereinafter the "General Conditions" or the "GCU") define all the rights and obligations arising from the relationship between :

On the one hand, GURU WORLD, a simplified joint stock company with capital of 1,000 euros, whose registered office is located at 36, boulevard de la Bastille - 75012 Paris, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 951 037 951 (hereinafter "GURU"), which operates the website accessible at the following address: https://guruworld. group (hereinafter "the Site") and the Guru World mobile application (hereinafter "the Application"; the Site and the Application being referred to together hereinafter as "the Platform").

And, on the other hand, the User, i.e. any person wishing to access the Site and/or the Application.

GURU reserves the right to unilaterally modify these GCU at any time. Access to the various services offered on the Platform is strictly subject to unreserved acceptance of and compliance with these General Terms and Conditions.

Thus, by using the Platform, the User expresses his unreserved agreement to be bound by these Terms of Use.

GURU therefore recommends that each User carefully read all of these General Conditions. Date of last modification of these General Conditions: September 13, 2023.


The purpose of these General Conditions is to govern the contractual relationship between GURU and the Users of the Platform.


The terms defined herein, whether singular or plural, are indicated by a capital letter, and are defined as follows.

The word "Application" refers to the "GURU" Application, which is available on iOS and Android operating systems.

The word "Benefits" refers to the advantages in kind and other benefits offered within GURU Paris and Partner Establishments to holders of User Accounts, particularly in view of the Level of said Accounts.

The words "Account" or "User Account" refer to the account that the User may create on the Platform. Each User's Account may operate using traditional login credentials (e-mail address and

password) - based on "Web 2" technology - or take the form of an NFT - based on "Web 3" technology

- at the User's discretion. Level 8 and higher User Accounts must take the form of an NFT.

The term "NFT Account" refers to a User Account that has been converted into an NFT by its owner using the NFT conversion procedure made available to Users by GURU within the Application.

The words "Partner Establishments" refer to GURU Paris and all other establishments (bars, restaurants, clubs, etc.) that have signed an agreement with GURU in order to be listed on the Site and/or the Application and to take part in the Benefits system set up by GURU.

The words "GURU Paris" refer to the restaurant managed by GURU and called "which is located at 36 boulevard de la Bastille - 75012 Paris".

The acronym "NFT" or "NFTs" refers to non-fungible tokens, individualized digital tokens whose uniqueness, traceability and security are guaranteed by a blockchain, and which are used by GURU in particular to offer Users the possibility of selling and/or exchanging their Accounts.

The word "Level" refers to the various levels that Users may reach as they earn GURU Points, said levels giving access to specific Advantages.

By the words "GURU Points", we refer to the points that can be accumulated by Users when they perform certain specific actions within the Application; said Points allowing the User Account Level to be increased.

The word "Site" refers to the website published and operated by GURU, accessible at the following address: https://guruworld.group

The word "User" refers to Internet users of the Platform.

The word "Wallet" refers to the secure storage device created by the GURU Platform on behalf of Users who wish to transform their User Account into an NFT in order, in particular, to host and enable the exchange of said NFT Account.


  1. Access to the Platform and the creation of a User Account are reserved exclusively for persons with legal capacity.

Failing this, persons wishing to access the Platform must obtain the authorization of a legally residing guardian or curator, or of their legal representative if they are minors.

  1. The User undertakes not to share any information relating to his/her User Account with any other person; and also undertakes not to authorize access to his/her User Account by any third party.

The User agrees to use reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access and/or use of his User Account by any person for unlawful purposes, and more generally to protect the confidentiality of his login information.

The User undertakes to notify GURU without delay of any unauthorized use of his or her account at the following address: contact@guruworld.group

  1. Each User may decide to convert his/her User Account into an NFT Account. To do so, the User is invited to click on the dedicated button within the Application and follow the steps outlined therein.

A request to convert a User Account  into  an NFT  Account  automatically creates  the  following elements, which are not perceptible to the User:

A personal Wallet specific to the User;

An NFT materializing the User Account and its Level.

The conversion of an Account into an NFT Account is free of charge for the User. All related costs are borne by GURU.


  1. GURU points

Each User Account has a Level ranging from Level 0 - the default User Account Level when it is created - to Level 10.

The User Account Level changes automatically according to the number of GURU Points collected by the User holding the Account.

As soon as the Account has accumulated enough points, its level increases by one. By exception, Levels 8, 9 and 10 are subject to specific rules, which are detailed in article 4.3 below.

GURU Points can be collected in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: Cooperating with new Users;

Geolocating oneself on the social networks TWITTER, INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK within one of GURU's partner establishments;

Take a photo of a bill paid at GURU Paris or one of our partner establishments, using the dedicated tool in the Application;

Play the mini-games available in the Application;

Participate in exceptional events organized by GURU, such as the "Guru Treasure Hunt" game that will take place from September 15 to 28, 2023.

It is hereby specified that this list is indicative, but in no way exhaustive or restrictive.



  1. Benefits

Each Level entitles the Account holder to Benefits, which may include but are not limited to: Discounts on bills paid at GURU Paris or at one of the Partner Establishments;

Discounts and/or promotions valid at GURU Paris or at one of our partner establishments; Free drinks at GURU Paris or at one of our partner establishments;

Access to a private and exclusive communication server on DISCORD.

It is hereby specified that this list is indicative, but in no way exhaustive or restrictive.

To consult the detailed list of Benefits corresponding to each Level, please consult the dedicated page within the Application, entitled "Benefits".

In addition, it is expressly specified that all Advantages entitling the holder to a reduction, discount or, more generally, a discount of any kind at GURU Paris or in one of the Partner Establishments, are valid only for items consumed by the Account holder.

Items of any type ordered and/or consumed by other people at the Account holder's table will not be eligible for said discounts. Items that can be shared (bottles, boards, etc.) will be eligible for the said discounts in proportion to the number of people who have shared them. The application of discounts will be automatically calculated by the cash register software of GURU Paris and/or the Partner Establishments.

  1. Level distribution

The most important Levels, i.e. Levels 8, 9 and 10, can only be reached by a certain number of Users. Levels are distributed as follows:

Level 0 to Level 7 (inclusive): there is no limit to the number of Accounts that can have one of these Levels.

Level 8: only the first 10,000 Users who have accumulated sufficient GURU Points may obtain a Level 8 Account.

Level 9: among Users with a Level 8 Account, only the first 2,000 Users who have accumulated sufficient GURU Points may obtain a Level 9 Account;

Level 10: among Users with a Level 9 Account, only the first 20 Users who have accumulated sufficient GURU Points may obtain a Level 10 Account.

Concerning Level 10, it is however specified that there are a few Level 10 Accounts excluded from the aforementioned quota which are intended to be distributed to GURU's founders and/or first investors as well as to certain influencers and/or influential personalities in the field of blockchain and NFTs.

In addition, Users wishing to claim a Level 8 or higher Account must have converted their User Account into an NFT. Failing this, the User Account will remain blocked at Level 7, even if the User has accumulated sufficient GURU Points to obtain a Level 8 Account.

  1. If you wish to find out more about the rules of the treasure hunt game organized by GURU between September 15 and 28, 2023, you can consult the rules set up by GURU, available at the following address: https://guruworld.group/en/game_rules .


  1. User Accounts based on "Web 2.0" technology technology, i.e. Accounts whose owners have not requested conversion to NFT under the conditions described in article 3.3 of these General Terms and Conditions6, are strictly personal and may not be given or sold, nor more generally exchanged in any way whatsoever.

  1. NFT Accounts may be freely transferred, whether free of charge or against payment, by their owners, either directly or via any third-party platform enabling the exchange and/or sale of NFTs.

Exchange and/or transaction costs are not borne by GURU and are the responsibility of the seller and/or buyer, subject to the agreement between the parties and/or the general terms and conditions of use of the third-party platform used.

Users wishing to make such exchanges are invited to enquire about the terms and conditions of exchange on the said third-party platforms, as well as the costs involved in exchanging NFTs.

In addition, Users hereby waive all claims against GURU in respect of any transaction fees and the appropriateness of such exchanges, for which they alone are responsible.


The User agrees not to infringe the intellectual property rights (including copyrights, neighbouring rights, sui generis rights of database producers, trademark rights, design rights and domain names) of any third party concerning the Platform.

GURU is the owner of all intellectual property rights to both the structure and content of the Platform (in particular texts, logos, images, sound elements, software, icons, page layout, databases), including the mini-games and programs made available to the User, or has regularly acquired the rights to exploit the structure and content of the Platform.

GURU grants the User a non-exclusive and non-exchangeable license to use the Platform for the duration and for the acts strictly necessary for the performance of the present contract, and for the whole world.

The User may not, outside the scope of this license, reproduce, represent, adapt, translate, transform in whole or in part, or transfer the elements of the Platform, in any way whatsoever and for any purpose whatsoever.

The trademarks and logos reproduced on the Platform are registered by the companies that own them. Any reproduction outside the framework of this license to use the names or logos, by any means whatsoever, without the prior authorization of the owner concerned, is prohibited.

Failure to comply with the provisions of the present article may be qualified as an act of counterfeiting and/or unfair and parasitic competition liable to engage the User's civil and/or criminal liability, which the User expressly declares to be aware of and acknowledges.


  1. GURU prohibits all users of the Site:

  1. It is forbidden to conduct any promotional or commercial activity of any kind whatsoever via the Platform without the prior express written consent of GURU.

  1. The Platform may contain hypertext links to other websites operated by third parties. GURU has no control over these sites and cannot be held responsible for their content or for the practices implemented by the persons publishing these sites, particularly with regard to the protection of personal data.

It is the responsibility of Users wishing to access these third-party sites to take the necessary precautions, in particular by consulting the conditions of use and privacy policy of the said sites. The presence of links to these sites on the Platform in no way implies approval of the content of these sites by GURU or any relationship whatsoever with their operators.


  1. GURU may under no circumstances be held liable for (i) any malfunction, inherent in the nature of the Internet, in access to and/or use of the Platform and/or any failure to meet its obligations caused by a case of force majeure.

Unless otherwise stated, GURU does not grant Users any guarantee of any kind whatsoever regarding the use of the Platform. GURU declines all responsibility for any damage suffered by a User using the Platform, and may not under any circumstances be held directly or indirectly liable.

  1. The User's attention is drawn to the following facts, which may not be invoked by the User to engage GURU's liability:



  1. The User may terminate his contractual relationship with GURU at any time by closing his User Account and permanently ceasing to access the Platform.

  1. GURU reserves the right to close a User's User Account and/or to suspend a User's right to access all or part of the Platform and/or to ban, temporarily or permanently, a User from the Platform, for any reason and in particular in the event of non-compliance with these Terms of Use.

The User is hereby informed that the implementation of such measures by GURU may prevent him/her, temporarily or permanently, from accessing his/her User Account and the Platform, as well as any information and data hosted on his/her User Account and/or on the Platform.


  1. Use of the Platform may result in the collection and processing, by GURU, of Data likely to enable the direct or indirect identification of Users, in particular by means of cookies.

  1. During consultation of the Platform, cookies may be stored on the User's electronic communication equipment in order to facilitate use of the Platform and to collect statistics relating to consultation and traffic on the Platform.

Users are informed in advance of the recording of cookies on their connection terminal. The User is free to accept or refuse the recording of cookies, with the exception of technical cookies strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the Platform.

  1. For more information on how Guru World collects and processes your Data, as well as the cookies used by Guru World, you may refer to Guru World's Privacy Policy, accessible at the following address: https://guruworld.group/en/privacy_policy


You can contact GURU at the following address: contact@guruworld.group You can also write to us at the following address:


36 Boulevard de la Bastille 75012 Paris


  1. Any amendment, termination or waiver of any of the clauses of the present General Terms and Conditions will only be valid if it is the subject of a written Amendment signed by the Parties.

If any clause or stipulation of these General Terms and Conditions is deemed null, unwritten, unenforceable or inapplicable, said clause or stipulation shall be deemed divisible and shall not entail the nullity of the other clauses and stipulations.

  1. Each of the Parties is and remains independent. Neither party may make any commitment in the name and/or on behalf of the other party.

  1. These General Terms and Conditions are governed by French law. The Parties shall endeavor to find an amicable settlement to any dispute between them, prior to bringing the matter before the courts.

In the absence of amicable agreement, jurisdiction is given to the competent courts within the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal.